Blue Ocean Manhattan, NY.
The decision to name our inaugural building "Blue Ocean" stems from several compelling reasons:
1) The choice of "Blue Ocean" is inspired by the strategic concepts outlined in the book "Blue Ocean Strategy," distinguishing between Red Oceans (saturated markets) and Blue Oceans (untapped market spaces). In the competitive real estate industry, our aim is to create value and set ourselves apart. Leveraging the principles from the book, we aim to carve out a unique market space for SANTOS Holdings.
One famous example of a "blue ocean" strategy outlined in the book "Blue Ocean Strategy" is Cirque du Soleil. Traditionally, the circus industry was considered a "red ocean" market, characterized by fierce competition, declining profits, and a focus on competing within existing market boundaries.
Cirque du Soleil, however, created a new market space by combining elements of traditional circus acts with high-quality artistic performances, theatrical storytelling, and live music. By targeting a previously untapped audience looking for a unique entertainment experience that went beyond the traditional circus, Cirque du Soleil was able to differentiate itself and attract a new customer base.
Through their innovative approach, Cirque du Soleil not only redefined the circus industry but also created a "blue ocean" of uncontested market space where they could thrive without direct competition.
To emulate Cirque du Soleil's success in the real estate industry, SANTOS Holdings could consider the following strategies:
A)Unique Property Concepts: Just as Cirque du Soleil combined traditional circus acts with artistic performances, SANTOS Holdings can create unique property concepts that go beyond traditional real estate offerings. This could involve innovative architectura l designs, sustainable features, or themed properties that cater to specific market niches.
B) Experience-Focused Developments: Similar to Cirque du Soleil's focus on creating a unique entertainment experience, SANTOS Holdings can prioritize creating immersive and engaging experiences for residents and tenants. This could involve incorporating amenities such as community spaces, wellness centers, or cultural programming that set their properties apart from competitors.
C) Collaboration with Artists and De signers: Cirque du Soleil collaborated with artists, musicians, and designers to create their distinctive shows. SANTOS Holdings could partner with renowned architects, interior designers, and artists to infuse creativity and artistry into their real estate projects, making them stand out in the market.
D) Target Untapped Market Segments: Cirque du Soleil targeted a new audience that was looking for a different entertainment experience. Similarly, SANTOS Holdings can identify untapped market segments within the real estate industry, such as co-living spaces for young professionals, eco-friendly developments for sustainability-conscious buyers, or mixed-use properties that cater to diverse community needs.
By adopting these strategies and innovating in the real estate sector, SANTOS Holdings can carve out a unique market space and differentiate itself from competitors, similar to how Cirque du Soleil transformed the traditional circus industry.
2) The name "Ocean" resonates deeply with the Chinese community, symbolizing water (水) and prosperity (繁荣), signifying new beginnings (新的开始) and blessings (祝福). In Chinese culture, the ocean holds significant symbolism and meaning. The ocean, or "Hai" (海) in Chinese, is often associated with various positive attribute s such as abundance, vastness, opportunity, and vitality. It symbolizes prosperity, good fortune, and wealth.
Additionally, the ocean represents the flow of life, continuity, and the cycle of nature. In Chinese philosophy, the ocean is seen as a source of inspiration, representing the boundless possibilities and potential for growth and expansion. Overall, the ocean holds a special place in Chinese culture as a symbol of abundance, opportunity, and endless possibilities.
IN CONCLUSION: In our pursuit of s uccess in the real estate industry, we strive for consistent profitability, symbolized by being "in the blue" year after year. By achieving a growth rate exceeding 40 percent annually, we aim to establish a strong financial foundation that will be highly valued by both our CPA department and investors.
Here are some examples of preferred returns calculations based on a full year, which consists of 365 days.
Please be aware that investing carries inherent risks, which may include the potential loss of principal funds. It is important to note that past performance does not guarantee future results.

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